Joyful is the person who finds wisdom,the one who gains understanding. For wisdom is more profitable than silver,and her wages are better than gold.
Wisdom is more precious than rubies;nothing you desire can compare with her.
Proverbs 3:13-15
These are my personal five star gems that have provided guidance, inspiration and encouragement in different areas of my life. I pray that these books also help you
with your journey towards living a fulfilled and victorious life.
Spiritual Enrichment
The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking through to the Blessed Life (Bruce Wilkinson) I never thought that this book would have such an impact on my life and the destiny that
God has for me. This books focus is on the scripture I Chronicles 4:9-10. It teaches believers how to incorporate the prayer that Jabez cried unto the Lord into our
daily lives and watch our lives be transformed in supernatural ways.
Praying Circles around your Children (Mark Batterson) This book is a very short easy read that will undoubtedly improve the relationship that you have with your
children. It offers practical ways to bless them in prayer and also teaches parents how to create prayers that are specific to the needs of their children.
The Power of a Parent’s Blessing: See Your Children Prosper and Fulfill their Destinies in Christ (Craig Hill) I wish that I had this book before I started my family.
Nevertheless, I am so glad that I was able to grasp these biblical principles at this season of my life. This book is for every Christian believer who has had
difficulty walking in their destiny in Christ Jesus and for every parent that wants to learn how to impart a Godly and prosperous heritage to his children. This is a
great gift to give a new couple before starting their family.
He Came to Set the Captives Free (Rebecca
Brown) If you are someone that wants a deeper understanding of how the occult world operates and how a believer can prepare
for battle against Satan, then this is the book for you. Rebecca Brown gives a very descriptive and graphic account of spiritual warfare and it is an eye opener that
will expose you to a world that many believers are not aware that
Prayers (Christian Word Ministries)This is an awesome free biblically based resource of prayers to have in your personal library. The prayers are all scripturally
sound and are categorized by topics.
Health & Fitness
A More Excellent Way to be in Health (Henry W. Wright )- This is a must have book for every person that wants a deeper understanding on how the healing of one’s body
can be connected to his spirit and soul. Henry Wright’s years of research is compiled in this book to reveal the spiritual roots to chronic diseases and the spiritual
blocks that can hinder one’s healing.
What to eat: A Real-World Guide to Making Smart Choices (Editors of Cooking Light Magazine) This is my “kitchen bible” to help me prepare healthier meals. Through
visuals and simplified language, I learned how to read food labels and how to select healthier food for my grocery cart. If you are on a budget or do not know where to
start when it comes to healthy food, add this book to your library because you will not be disappointed!
Anatomy of Exercise: A Trainers Inside Guide to Your Workout (Pat Manocchia)- A great book for beginners to show how different exercises benefit the muscle groups. The
life-like illustrations and step-by-step directions, make it easy to follow and not intimidating.
The 17 Day Diet (Dr. Mike Moreno) – This is a healthy diet plan designed to help you lose weight quickly. It works if you follow it strictly, but you are limited to
the foods that you can eat, so you may have to increase your food budget. Being disciplined against immediate gratification will get you through this four cycle diet.
The Maker’s Diet (Jordan S. Rubin) This is one of the diet plans that I followed while on my weight loss path. It is a very informative book that will teach you a lot
about your internal body and help guide you on a healthy eating lifestyle. The diet plan is based on 40 days and provides great tasting recipes. It outlines
everything for you to eat and what to avoid. If you are ready to do a food bootcamp, then this plan will work. If you are not ready for this type of mental
disciplined commitment, do not waste your time because the first two stages are tough!
Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Robert Kiyoski)-Getting out of debt and gaining financial independence is a goal for many Americans. Kiyoski teaches how to avoid the “rat race”
of living from paycheck to paycheck. This is a great read for everyone in your family to gain a new perspective of knowing how money works. In addition, Kiyoski
offers many free workshops throughout the year based on the information provided in the book.
Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money (Dave Ramsey)- A great foundational book on how to organize your finances and get out of debt. Ramsey asserts that taking
control of your money is only 20 percent head knowledge and 80 percent behavior. This book is also a part of his Financial Planning University course.
Personal Growth
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader: Becoming the Person Others will Want to Follow (John C. Maxwell) I believe that most people will tell you that they are a
leader if asked the question, “Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?” The truth is, many people desire that position, but few people actually know what it
takes to make that a reality. This book is on the New York Times Best-Selling list and it helps readers understand the keys that it takes to be a leader that people
will want to follow.
Proper Attitudes Toward Leadership (Robyn Gool)Everyone that is a member of a church fellowship can benefit from the wisdom provided by this author. This is an awesome
book to help Christians understand how personal actions affect others in the church. It also imparts to us the awesome responsibility that each of us has in
functioning as the body of Christ.
Empowering Youth with Purpose: Prayers, reflections and activities for those who teach, guide or minister to youth (Deborah J. Harrison and Stephanie R. Singleton)
This is my first book that was inspired after the suicide of my student. The sudden loss challenged me to keep my light positive in my work environment and to make a
lasting impact on the youth around me. This book is not only designed to help adults connect and build relationships with the youth that they oversee, but to also
strengthen their relationship with God. This resource can be used in both a secular and a non-secular setting.
Knights in Shining Armor: Discovering your Lifelong Love (P.B. Wilson) After I finished graduate school and was seeking direction in my life, I was blessed with this
book. This book revolutionized the way I thought about that season of my life. It helped prepare me for my husband while at the same time, renewed my relationship
with God. I no longer felt the urge to rush through my life as a single woman, but instead learned to submit to what God was doing in my life. A must read for all my
single sisters!
Two Becoming One (Don & Sally Meridith)This marriage curriculum has a strong biblical foundation that will challenge any marriage to go to the next level. If you are
engaged, newly married or even a veteran, you will not be disappointed. My husband and I enjoy the lessons and look forward to the opportunities to lead small groups
in the teachings.