For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
The mission of PAUSE-66 is to utilize God’s word as the compass to achieve an abundant life in Christ Jesus. We strive to spread those biblical truths through books, t-shirts, motivational speaking and other inspirational resources.
“Your transparency and nuggets of wisdom inspire us to never give up and take our journey to the next level.”
“Stephanie is a woman of high moral standings who is impactful in her daily walk, as she exudes a God like mindset that does not waiver to fit the ideals of others. She is a woman of Power, Grace and Poise as she holds herself to the very standards that she imparts and encourages within others.”
“Stephanie, I was so blessed by your transparency as you spoke at the conference. You have encouraged me to self-reflect and take ownership of the triggers and seek God for healing in the areas of my life that cause me to overeat…”
“I have come to learn the importance of intertwining spiritual wellness with overall health and well-being. It was not until reading Stephanie Singleton’s work that I realized where I was going wrong. I have now gained confidence in my journey because I now have the tools I need to push through a place where I can no longer stand on my own but go into a place of prayer and closeness with God that leads me into victory…”
“Stephanie is an awesome woman of God. She played an instrumental role in my spiritual walk. She prayed with me and for me…so powerful, she would bring me to tears…”