If Jesus Were Sitting Next To Me….. 2018

I recently posed this self-reflective question at an event, “If Jesus were sitting next to you right now, what advice would he give you?”  As I reflect on 2017 and embrace 2018, I have to ponder the answer to this question for my own life.  Yes, 2017 came with many challenges, but there were many blessings as well.  There were some sorrows that I endured and I also experienced some momentous occasions. But throughout every experience, there was always one constant. Jesus was orchestrating my life and for that, I give Him praise.

Like you, I had a choice in how I would respond in every circumstance that I encountered.  I did not always choose the method that would honor God, but I am grateful that I am still here today experiencing His grace and mercy.  It is because of that grace and mercy that I have testimonies that I can share with others to help them on their faith journey.


So, my answer to the question posed is quite simple.  I believe that Jesus would say to me, “Daughter, continue to walk in forgiveness towards others.  Some of my children are still growing in their walks with me, so don’t hold that against them. Always remember to start your day with a conversation with me.  I will help you to avoid a lot of confusion and heartache, if you just remember to acknowledge me in everything that you do. Don’t get caught up in comparing yourself to others.  You were designed for a specific mission and you do not have to compete with others to get the job done because  I have already paved the way for you.  Do not allow your heart to get hard and be an extension of my love to others.  This is going to be impossible to do if you do not allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.  The enemy desires to turn your heart away from me and he will use anything and anyone to do it.  Most importantly, remember to trust me and to lean on me.  I know that it may appear at times that I am not with you, but I will never leave you or forsake you.  I will be your rock and strength in this coming year if you allow me to!”

What advice would Jesus give you?




2 replies
  1. Lydia Hopkinson
    Lydia Hopkinson says:

    Jesus would say to me, continue to trust me, even though you don’t understand everything that is happening around you, TRUST ME.


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